Introducing: Burning Bulletin

Barbershop Finance
3 min readOct 3, 2021

On chain burning announcements

Claim a square on the bulletin today!

So you just got done with your haircut.

You tip the barber.

Grab your coat and head to the door.

You stop. There is a flyer on the wall. It catches your eye — a contact for a service for something interesting. You jot down the number, tear off a tab of the paper, snap a quick pic on your phone.

Sound like real life? Or the blockchain?

All on chain

At the Barbershop, we’re blurring the lines — bringing you an immersive on-chain fleeting message board.

Just like in real life, over time, people will be able to replace each other's messages and claim a spot on the board.

100% of the cost per square will be burned 🔥.

How does it work?

The bulletin is composed of 16 squares per level.

At the start, all squares are available. The price per square is 100 HAIR.

Once every square has been purchased, the board updates to the next level.

All squares are available again, but the price increases 10x. A square will remain from a previous level until a new user purchases the same slot. When a square is purchased, the contents will replace the previous square.

Hover over a square to see if it’s available for purchase. Click the (i) to flip the square and claim it.

Thus, the squares purchased earlier in a level will have an intrinsically longer shelf life and the costs per square will increase 10x per level making early levels much easier to obtain than later levels.

💯 of all HAIR used to purchase the square will be directly burned via the contract🔥

And the stats of burned hair will be visible to all:

What you can upload🙏

You can choose any/all/none of the following:

  • One image url. Must be https:// format
  • One link to an external site, also https:// format
  • One message, 42 characters max

We provide a preview window where you can see how your square will look on the bulletin.

Once the square is burned on chain, the contents cannot be modified.

Keep it clean 🙏

This Bulletin is meant to be decentralized and encourages free speech. That said, the owner has the ability to censor addresses who post inappropriate content.

What’s appropriate? Use your best judgment.


The contract can be found here:

The contract is very limited in nature. Once a square is purchased, there is no changing the contents. No undoing. It is set in stone on the blockchain for perpetuity.

To be clear — this contract was NOT audited. It is not a means of investment, the only thing this contract does is burn HAIR based on the current level and purchase a square in the contract — which our frontend dapp knows how to talk to in order to display your content.

Please join our telegram to ask us questions directly. And remember, this is meant to be fun!

